IH Collectors Chapter 18 New England Membership and Directors Meeting Minutes
IH Chapter 18 Directors Virtual Zoom Meeting Minutes March 21, 2021, at 5:30 pm
The President, Mark Wells opened the meeting and greeted all to this most unusual Directors Meeting. All of the Directors were present and four advisors were also.
Mark asked for approval of the minutes of the last directors meeting held on January 26, 2020. They were approved.
A long discussion on the Power of The Red show in Dublin NH took place. It was the consensus that we have another show there if allowed in 2021 in August. It was suggested and approved to have some of the Directors meet with Dave Whitney (owner of the field) to discuss particulars. More on this meeting later.
Another long discussion took place as to whether to have the Cub Raffle this year or not. It depends on the number of shows that we will attend.
It was agreed by the Directors on the Virtual Meeting to have the terms of the existing Directors continue for 2021.
Mark announced that Chapter 18 has 217 current members.
Donna said as of today, we have $8672.77 balance. She also submitted the amount of $50.00 to both Don Smith and George Hunt in their memory. Both men were members of Chapter 18 and recently passed away.
The next Virtual meeting will be held on April 3rd, 2021 at 4:00 pm.
The President, Mark Wells opened the meeting and greeted all to this most unusual Directors Meeting. All of the Directors were present and four advisors were also.
Mark asked for approval of the minutes of the last directors meeting held on January 26, 2020. They were approved.
A long discussion on the Power of The Red show in Dublin NH took place. It was the consensus that we have another show there if allowed in 2021 in August. It was suggested and approved to have some of the Directors meet with Dave Whitney (owner of the field) to discuss particulars. More on this meeting later.
Another long discussion took place as to whether to have the Cub Raffle this year or not. It depends on the number of shows that we will attend.
It was agreed by the Directors on the Virtual Meeting to have the terms of the existing Directors continue for 2021.
Mark announced that Chapter 18 has 217 current members.
Donna said as of today, we have $8672.77 balance. She also submitted the amount of $50.00 to both Don Smith and George Hunt in their memory. Both men were members of Chapter 18 and recently passed away.
The next Virtual meeting will be held on April 3rd, 2021 at 4:00 pm.
IH Chapter 18 Directors Virtual Zoom Meeting Minutes May 15, 2021, at 6:00 pm
President, Mark Wells called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm. The minutes of the last zoom meeting held on April 10, 2021 were approved by a voice vote.
Mark gave the membership report with 219 members as of today. Mark will send out renewal notices in June.
Donna gave the treasurers report with a balance of $6296.77 as of today.
Our Scholarship program was discussed and as of this meeting, we do not have any applications.
A long discussion of shows that Chapter 18 will attend took place. Gary will list the shows in the newsletter.
The barrel train can be used as is but is planned to be newly painted with new decals as soon as possible.
Mark talked about his meeting with Dave Whitney, the owner of the field we use for the Power of the Red Show in Dublin. Some other members of Chapter 18 also attended. We have decided for this year that we will again, have the Power of the Red show there.
Donna gave a financial report of the cost to put on our Power of the Red show. The cost is $3500.00 with very little profit realized.
Gary suggested another Zoom meeting on June 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm. All agreed.
We also have agreed to have an in person Directors meeting on July 18 2021 at the picnic in Mont Vernon NH at 10:00 am.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.
President, Mark Wells called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm. The minutes of the last zoom meeting held on April 10, 2021 were approved by a voice vote.
Mark gave the membership report with 219 members as of today. Mark will send out renewal notices in June.
Donna gave the treasurers report with a balance of $6296.77 as of today.
Our Scholarship program was discussed and as of this meeting, we do not have any applications.
A long discussion of shows that Chapter 18 will attend took place. Gary will list the shows in the newsletter.
The barrel train can be used as is but is planned to be newly painted with new decals as soon as possible.
Mark talked about his meeting with Dave Whitney, the owner of the field we use for the Power of the Red Show in Dublin. Some other members of Chapter 18 also attended. We have decided for this year that we will again, have the Power of the Red show there.
Donna gave a financial report of the cost to put on our Power of the Red show. The cost is $3500.00 with very little profit realized.
Gary suggested another Zoom meeting on June 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm. All agreed.
We also have agreed to have an in person Directors meeting on July 18 2021 at the picnic in Mont Vernon NH at 10:00 am.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.
IH Chapter 18 Directors Virtual Zoom Meeting Minutes June 13, 2021, at 6:00 pm
President, Mark Wells called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Six Directors and one Advisor were present for the Zoom meeting.
The minutes of the last zoom directors meeting were approved by a voice vote.
Mark said that we now have 227 members of Chapter 18.
Treasurer Donna was not present for the meeting but had told Mark that we have $8086.88 as of today. We had several renewals, and some new members sign up at the Granite State show in Hollis NH on June 6, 2021.
Mark said he sent some money to Jonathan Bevins (a Chapter 18 member) in memory of his father who recently passed away. This money is to be used to purchase a tree.
Mark has designated Dennis Prefontaine to be show manager for this years Power of the Red show.
A discussion took place as to advertising, show displays, seminars on 2-point hitches etc. The sign at the entrance to the show in Dublin will be installed on July 11th, 2021 at 12:30 pm by a few members.
Mark mentioned that the Plow Day in Gorham Maine is scheduled for October 16th, 2021 from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
The picnic in Mont Vernon NH at the Lamson Farm will be on July 18th at 11:00 am instead of 10:00 am. Bring your own lunch and drinks.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm
President, Mark Wells called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Six Directors and one Advisor were present for the Zoom meeting.
The minutes of the last zoom directors meeting were approved by a voice vote.
Mark said that we now have 227 members of Chapter 18.
Treasurer Donna was not present for the meeting but had told Mark that we have $8086.88 as of today. We had several renewals, and some new members sign up at the Granite State show in Hollis NH on June 6, 2021.
Mark said he sent some money to Jonathan Bevins (a Chapter 18 member) in memory of his father who recently passed away. This money is to be used to purchase a tree.
Mark has designated Dennis Prefontaine to be show manager for this years Power of the Red show.
A discussion took place as to advertising, show displays, seminars on 2-point hitches etc. The sign at the entrance to the show in Dublin will be installed on July 11th, 2021 at 12:30 pm by a few members.
Mark mentioned that the Plow Day in Gorham Maine is scheduled for October 16th, 2021 from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
The picnic in Mont Vernon NH at the Lamson Farm will be on July 18th at 11:00 am instead of 10:00 am. Bring your own lunch and drinks.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm
IH Chapter 18 Directors Meeting Minutes Location: Lamson Farm in Mont Vernon NH, July 18, 2021
Mark Wells President called the meeting to order at 11:07 am. Six Directors were present and three Advisors were also present.
A copy of the last directors meeting was passed out to the directors and were accepted by a voice vote.
Mark gave the membership report with 135 members as of today. Mark is going to send out renewal notices.
Donna gave the treasurers report with a balance of $7788.26 as of today.
It was motioned and approved to donate $50.00 to the Lamson Farm for letting Chapter 18 use their location for our meeting and picnic.
Donna had new decals made for the barrel train and gave them to Mark Walker to install on the barrel train when it is painted.
Ken Ethier has been chosen to be the guest speaker at the fall banquet in Pepperell.
A very long and needed discussion on the upcoming Power of the Red Show on August 7th and 8th took place. It was motioned and approved by a voice vote to have an ad put in a free weekly newspaper published out of Keene NH and distributed to many towns in NH for the sum of $433.72. The setup days for the Power of the Red show are Thursday and Friday, August 5th and 6th at 10:00 am.
The meeting adjourned at 12:25 pm.
Mark Wells President called the meeting to order at 11:07 am. Six Directors were present and three Advisors were also present.
A copy of the last directors meeting was passed out to the directors and were accepted by a voice vote.
Mark gave the membership report with 135 members as of today. Mark is going to send out renewal notices.
Donna gave the treasurers report with a balance of $7788.26 as of today.
It was motioned and approved to donate $50.00 to the Lamson Farm for letting Chapter 18 use their location for our meeting and picnic.
Donna had new decals made for the barrel train and gave them to Mark Walker to install on the barrel train when it is painted.
Ken Ethier has been chosen to be the guest speaker at the fall banquet in Pepperell.
A very long and needed discussion on the upcoming Power of the Red Show on August 7th and 8th took place. It was motioned and approved by a voice vote to have an ad put in a free weekly newspaper published out of Keene NH and distributed to many towns in NH for the sum of $433.72. The setup days for the Power of the Red show are Thursday and Friday, August 5th and 6th at 10:00 am.
The meeting adjourned at 12:25 pm.